Laser gingevectomy gum contouring

gum contouring

The gums can often be overlooked as part of a smile but in most instances, it plays an important role.

Using precision lasers, gum contouring is a quick and painless treatment to reduce gummy smiles, reveal longer teeth and improve symmetry.

spot the difference

Careful use of gum contouring allows us to create a level gum-line from right to left.


better proportions

Bringing emphasis back to the two front teeth improves the overall balance of this smile.

Laser Gingival Contouring


Lateral incisors are often tucked under low gums, making them look shorter than they actually are.



achieve symmetry

The harmony in the symmetry and balanced proportions between teeth and gums allows us to create a beautiful smile.

part of the bigger picture

The combination of composite contouring and laser gum contouring opens up endless possibilities that conserve your healthy enamel.

Diipa Khosla (@diipakhosla) after seeing us at the a.b.c. smile

Diipa Khosla (@diipakhosla) after seeing us at the a.b.c. smile

the a.b.c. concept

the a.b.c. concept

a.b.c. alignment
a.b.c. brighten
a.b.c. contour