DMG Icon Resin Infiltration

white patch?

One of the most recent developments in dentistry is our ability to reduce and eliminate the appearance of white patches in your natural teeth.

Results can be achieved in one appointment without any damage, use of a drill or injections.


what is a white patch?


Our enamel is a mineral that develops in an orderly way, forming a crystalline structure.

Disturbances during enamel development affects this order and an irregular crystalline structure is formed. The optical properties are then altered and the white patch appears a chalky white as the irregular enamel crystals scatter reflected light different to the rest of the enamel.

This is very common and is called enamel hypoplasia or hypomineralisation.

ICON Resin Infiltration White Patch Removal


how to remove the white patch

Up until recently the only treatment available was to drill it away and cover it with a white filling.

ICON resin infiltration works by opening up pores within the white patch, allowing resin to infiltrate and fill in the spaces.

Light can then smoothly pass through the white patch without scattering and allow the desired translucent properties to return.

spot the difference

Restoring the enamels translucent properties greatly reduces the white patch appearance in your smile and in your photos.


no more white patch

Even when removing glossy reflections and magnified, the extent of camouflage achieved without a drill is truly seen.

as part of the a.b.c.

Combine it with our a.b.c. concept and elevate your smile to its natural best.


Laser gum contouring gingivectomy

gum contouring

The gums can often be overlooked as part of a smile but in most instances, it plays an important role.

Using precision lasers, gum contouring is a quick and painless treatment to reduce gummy smiles, reveal longer teeth and improve symmetry.