the a.b.c. concept


Ceramic Braces

Straight teeth provides the best foundation for any future dentistry and helps us to preserve as much healthy enamel as we can.

spot the difference

The a.b.c. concept addresses all the components that build up towards your smile. The impact of a new smile speaks for itself.


overlapping teeth

Whether your teeth are overlapping or biting deep, orthodontic treatment can resolve this from the ground up.

spacing & gaps

Prioritising your smile can boost your confidence. Closing these gaps create dramatic results in a short space of time.



tucked behind

These teeth are hard to clean, accumulate stains and often look missing in photos! Bring out and align teeth that have been hidden all these years.

sticking out

Bringing canines down into place allows your smile to look great from all angles. These pointed teeth no longer look like ‘fangs’!



clear aligners

Some smiles are great for clear aligners such as Invisalign. Book yourself a consultation where we dedicate an hour to assess and discuss your most suitable options.

the a.b.c. concept


Teeth whitening is the single most effective way to elevate any smile. Our accurate analysis, tailored prescription and custom designed whitening trays achieves results time and time again.